STEP's Meaningless Gesture

Having failed to secure parental support for any action in the past, STEP appears to have taken out its frustration with the Government by adding to schools' administrative burdens. As a result, there has been an exchange of correspondence between ourselves and the Department for Education and Skills, details of which are reproduced overleaf. Our first letter was circulated to all Kent, Medway and Bexley schools and the press, and we have received much positive feedback.


Not Another Enquiry ! !

Our opponents have called for yet another enquiry in to selective education. If this ever came about, it would probably rest alongside similar enquiries which first appeared in 1944 and at regular intervals since. SKS would, of course, make representations to any truly independent examination of our educational system. However, to have any real meaning, it would have to consider education nationally, not just academic selection. We have in mind the ability of church schools to select on the basis of religious affiliation, the opportunity for some parents to select schools on the basis of their ability to pay, the development of specialist schools who can select on the basis of aptitude, etc.

To be meaningful, such a review would have to be backed by a Government pledge to provide the resources to implement recommended changes and to allow areas without grammar schools to have them, if that was thought appropriate.

Admissions Chaos in Kent

Members will be aware of the difficulties encountered by many parents over the secondary admissions arrangements for the present Year 6 pupils. The position of SKS remains absolutely clear in that we continue to believe that testing before preference is the common sense solution. In a selective system, the most important piece of information which parents need is the guidance on which type of school is most appropriate for their child.

Government about-turn ?

The Government's softening of attitude towards grammar schools received much coverage in early December with the announcement of partnership schemes between grammar schools and nearby high schools. SKS believes that co-operation is far more productive than a dogmatic wrangling over the future of grammar schools.

Such co-operation, together with the promotion of specialist schools, confirms that selection as a principle (be it by ability or aptitude) is now endorsed by the Government.


SKS Annual General Meeting

Members will find notice of this year's AGM, to be held on 29th May, enclosed with this Newsletter

SKS Web-site

We are pleased to announce that our web-site has been re-launched. It contains relevant recent information and will be kept up-to-date as developments occur. Hopefully, it will prove to be a useful source of information for our members.

It can be found at:-

SKS Telephone Number

Please note our new number of 01622 734098

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Future Newsletters will always be published on the web-site. If you wish to be alerted by e-mail, rather than receive paper copies, please write to, including sufficient information to identify your membership details on the register
