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October 2003


Once again Kent and Medway Secondary Schools are being required to participate in a futile and time-wasting exercise, drawing up lists of parent voters as anti-selective education campaigners register their apparent interest in petitioning to abolish selective schools.

Support Kent Schools Chairman Eric Hammond says:-

“I am appalled that at a time when schools of all types throughout the country are calling out for much needed cash to support their day to day work, public money will be wasted on a bogus exercise. We know from previous experience that no campaigns will be initiated and nothing will be achieved except of course a great deal of administrative inconvenience.”

Support Kent Schools has urged the Government to repeal the legislation which allows a very small number of campaigners to embark on a pointless annual charade.

Mr Hammond adds:-

“Perhaps the Government should consider surcharging those individuals who have neither the intention of embarking on a campaign nor indeed any hope of achieving a very modest threshold which would prompt a vote.”


Support Kent Schools is an apolitical group seeking to retain the status quo in Kent and Medway.

For further comment please contact Keith Williams on 01634 817059 or 07941 076643.