18 January 2002


Re Grammar School Ballots

SKS is concerned at the unnecessary burdens being placed on schools as a result of the antics of the anti selective education campaigners.

Despite having declared that they will not be raising a petition this year they have called for a register of parents to be lodged with the Electoral Reform Ballot Services. This is nothing more than a futile exercise - an irritating distraction and another demand on the public purse.

Not content with their contribution to the disruption of the secondary admission arrangements in Kent, anti selective education campaigners are now embarking on a cynical political gesture.

The attached letter has been sent to Estelle Morris, the Education Secretary and copied to schools throughout Kent and Medway.

SKS wants to see all schools in the area offer a first class education for their pupils and is calling for the existing legislation to be repealed thus preventing this nonsense being repeated year after year.

SKS is a group of parents, governors and teachers who wish to see all Kent and Medway schools offer a first class education to their pupils.
SKS has no political affiliation.
Chairman Eric Hammond is the former General Secretary of the Electricians' Union and has been a member of the Labour Party for over 50 years.

For further comment/information please contact
Keith Williams on 01634 844008
SKS spokesman.

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